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Reinventing Thinking beyond Boundaries to Excel

Professor Muhammad Mahboob Ali,PhD* |
Update: 2014-07-03 01:39:00
Reinventing Thinking beyond Boundaries to Excel

 Reinventing Thinking beyond Boundaries to Excel has been coordinated at the place of work through perseverance, enthusiasm, interpersonal skill ,adding the value, so that transformation of  persons, groups, institutes with innovative ideas, thoughts, entrepreneurship and technological advancement can happen with the vertical and horizontal coordination of efficiency and effectiveness . In the continuous process of changing scenario, reinventing thinking beyond is needed to sustain in the long run. If one want to limit imagination within boundary, then it will be difficult for sustain, which is applicable not only individual cases but also institutional processes. This may create imbalance in the society and adverse impact on national development. Imaginary ideas can come into exact representation if one takes hard and stiff effort with proper stress and time management. Excel of creation provides us performance which exceeds other or be finer in a numeral of approbation or vicinity; act upon tremendously glowing around the development process. Benchmarking should be set at a global standard so that superiority complex in a smaller area cannot be grown and acceptability in the global village can be achieved using the proper yardstick.

 Clark (2013) comments that reinvention and overcoming past perceptions can be a daunting process. She also observes that sometimes, one’s reinvention is by choice a creative embrace of a new direction. Her observations are based on facts as in attendance of an unrestraint with amid source of   deliberations   towards its renovation procedure which should be dedicated on amazing practical scenario so as to exclusively characterize by aptitude of innovative ideas, willingness, risk taking aptitudes, competencies, abilities and thoughts. Visionary zeal and Missionary activities may lead to pursue for attaining competitive advantage with superiority so that business environment can grow and put positive impact lead to higher growth of gross domestic product.

 A cluster of people have thought that   a number of person will be talented to visible, connotation which contains immense capabilities to devise, although scarcely quite a few persons encompass the capability to originate, even though barely more than a few people take in the capability to have apposite   ideas of productivity and exercise them in a haulage great weight mode.  Jonathan(accessed date:17.5.2013 argues that when we reinvent ourselves it’s like multiplying our knowledge base and perspective. It allows us to consider things from several different angles. We don’t give up our former self, we simply add another dimension. Knowledge based research should be utilized in a meaningful manner through proper implementations. Customarily as a human being we are   expressing desire through which at one stage    we can stay energetic anywhere whichever mandatory or not but to reinvent oneself. Optimistic knowledge since it permits us to shift away from our existing echelon of reception and hooked on impressive superior than we be formerly.

 Reinvention in itself is not an adequate amount of nevertheless stipulation which is closing stages purpose is brilliance. In reinventing preceding limitations and regulations and lengthen them into amazing innovative ideas in a generic branding is require. The person who doesn’t dream starting from childhood to the old age loses the ground to live in the world. Philosophy should be “plain living, high thinking” which should be accompanied by execution. If one person dreams to touch the sky, he/she may not do so but at least touch the roof top of the building. Sky cannot be one’s limit but one should see and think how to reach the sky. Modern technological advancement gives us the scope to fly the sky. But from the perception of touching the sky still a normal human being as a phobia. As a human being we all are mortal but we have to prove worthy creation which can keep us alive after death. Someone through their devotion and geniuses can do so  which gives them immortality like William Shakespeare , Rabindranath Tagore, Bill Gates, Mahthya Gandhi, Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Rahman, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela etc. Leader can be created but statesment cannot be created. This is supplementary habitually than not a cheerful acquaintance in view of the fact that it sanctions us to alter away from our accessible echelon of reaction and hooked on extraordinary better-quality of livelihood than we are

formerly believed to reach with superior scenario. In increasing our boarders, we are still restricted by limitations, although with additional space to pass through around, but which may confines nevertheless.

May I draw an example of practical utilization of reinventing thinking beyond boundaries to excel from Bangladesh. As a central bank, Bangladesh Bank currently stresses green banking in Bangladesh. Governor of Bangladesh Bank Atiur Rahman (2013) comments that recognizing that the financial sector can play a catalytic role in speeding up adoption of environmentally friendlier output practices in the real economy; Bangladesh Bank  has launched in 2011 a comprehensive green banking initiative to support and promote environmentally responsible financing; issuing guidance inter alia for environmental risk assessment of borrowing proposals and for greening of internal processes and practices within banks(Source: Foreword,Millat,Chowdhury,Singha,2013,p:3).

Demonstration of fresh thoughts ,authorize for original expression of opinion  and bestow  finer panorama, other than the leeway for  responsibility  awfully able-bodied is further than a limited  restrictions and close to the immeasurable dormant merely make accessible from surface to surface through advancement of knowledge, technology and provoking new ideas and thoughts . Wu  and Haak (2013 ) observe that an important method of enhancing or developing new corporate differentiating emerging technological competences is to establish corporate central R&D. This practice is centered on the competency-based view of the firm and has been implemented by companies in numerous developed countries. As Bangladesh is proceeding towards middle income country, so it should give more emphasize on technological innovation and research and development cell of different organizations should be worked for betterment of the society and the country.

System layout and design should be based on capacity planning. Acquire contemplation and uniqueness be obliged to take delivery of assure with potentialities to fulfill, actual and potential output must be intended to realized strategy without keeping any gap .As such in the turbulent global scenario considering global recession and Arab spring, intended for the motivation should hardly incessantly trek around the inventive areas inside the practical scenario for sustainability and cope with the changing environment. Appreciate the sense and collision of the tangible can put together into practice in each one presentation pointer would provide innovative thoughts for production and service expansion.

New incremental innovations or changes to the manufactured goods and also services may allow enlargement to carry on efficiently and effectively for profit growth and as such return on investment must be positive. Business can characteristically make distant mode of more technological innovations which can perhaps hope to fetch to souk through which successfully for reinventing  thinking beyond boundaries with excel. There is a need for planned organizational harmony and procedure to handle innovation from thoughts phase to commercialization keeping the profit level at a  normal profit. Political unrest, violence against women, immorality, unethical behavior, some banks unlawful profit gain  through taking higher spread between interest rate on deposit and interest rate on advance, manipulation in the capital market , labor grievance , communalism ,non compliance of law and global attitudes towards countries like Bangladesh is a deep rooted  problem.   Dead weight loss cannot be permitted to work in the process. Moving forward is the lay for receiving to a goal oriented results at a boundary less world with diversified products and services supported by human capital  since   scared to make the require devoted jeopardy of really allowing latent can  be reached through continuous process of strategic alliances among the partners not only domestically but regionally and globally. This may lead to achieve corner stone though capacity building with creation of new market space in different parts of the world. Through edge of boarders just about budding by no means in actuality search out an accurate counter at the same time as to if that budding by no means in actuality search out an accurate counter at the same time as to if that

imminent was take an  advantage often  or if we very soon blow   creative obstacles through knowledge diffusion. Rather social welfare should be accompanied by social justice and income equality for betterment of the individual, team spirit, organizations, society and the nation as a whole.


Clark,Dorie (2013).Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future

Harvard Business Review Press.

Jonathan(accessed on 17.05.2013), Is It Time to Reinvent Yourself?

Millat,Khondkar Morshed ,Chowdhury,Rubayat and Singha,Edward Apurba(2013),Green Banking in Bangladesh Fostering Environmentally Sustainable inclusive growth process,Bangladesh Bank, Foreword by Atiur Rahman ,p:3.

Wu, Feng-Shang and Haak, Robert(2013), Innovation Mechanisms and Knowledge Communities for Corporate Central R&D, Creativity and Innovation Management, Volume 22, Issue 1, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pages 37–52, March.        

(*The author is a Macro and financial Economist. Email:

BDST: 1135 HRS, JUL 03, 2014

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